NG-LED Poster
Indoor / Outdoor
Pixel Pitch:1.25/1.56/1.86/1.95/2.5/2.6
GOB Fully Protected Seamless Splicing LED Poster
LED Poster Suitable for Various Environments
Design For You
A variety of products with different specifications are available
NG-LED Poster T Series
Single device data
Display Size :750 mm x 2000 mm
Overall Size :750 mm x 2175 mm x 33mm
Pixel Pitch :P1.25 / P1.56 / P1.95 / P2.6 / P2.9
Brightness :indoor 600 - outdoor 4000
Weight :39.6 KG
NG-LED Poster P Series
Single device data
Display Size :640 mm x 1920 mm / 960 mm x 1920mm
Overall Size :650mm(W) x 1930mm(H) x 100mm(D) /
970mm(W) x 1930mm(H) x 100mm(D) -
Pixel Pitch :P1.53 / P1.86 / P2 / P2.5 / P3
Brightness :indoor 600 - outdoor 5000
Weight :32 KG / 45 KG
Various Ways to Use
With various installation components, NG-LED Poster can be suspended or fixed to a wall. When using the default floor stand, it can be adjusted to 0°, 5°, and 10° angles.